「読解」ではなくて「読書」: 「第二言語における社会化」の視点から日本語教育における多読の可能性を考える 柳沢 美和子 留学生教育学会・2016年度研究大会・予稿集(及び発表原稿) 2016年08月 査読有り 日本語 研究論文(その他学術会議資料等) 多読は“real-world reading for a pedagogical purpose”(Day & Bamford 1998) -- 近年日本語教育でも国内外で多読の有効性が報告されているが,なぜ読解よりも有効なのか.本稿はまず先行研究から理論の面で多読の可能性を提唱し,新しい試みとして「第二言語における社会化」 (second language socialization) の視点から,最新の実践報告を踏まえつつ,多読の有効性を検証する.
Preparing God’s global servants: An Attempt of a Christian Liberal Arts College in Japan 柳沢 美和子 Proceedings for Global Intersnip Conference 2013 2-29 ~ 2-30 2013年06月 査読有り 英語 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス) This lecture will present a four-year program at a Christian liberal arts college which aims to prepare international students to be God’s global servants in a Japanese setting. At Tokyo Christian University, a government-accredited Christian school located in the Tokyo area, the educational program offers academic preparation with practical experience, which includes on-campus living integrated with Japanese students, Japanese language education, and church internship.
Exploring the Process of Second-language Socialization 柳沢美和子 Processes and Process-orientation in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning. Chan, Wai Meng, Chin Kwee Nyet, Nagami, Masanori, & Suthiwan, Titima (eds.). pp. 319-335. 319~ 335 2011年10月 査読有り 英語 The notion of language socialization has been applied to SLA research which conceptualizes L2-learners as novices to be socialized to the target language/culture. The premise is that the process of language acquisition and the process of language socialization are not independent, but integrated (Schieffelin & Ochs, 1986a). L2-learners acquire not only language, but also cultural awareness specific to that language through interaction with L1-speakers (Schieffelin & Ochs, 1986a, 1986b). Language socialization is an interactive process. However, in most of the L2-socialization research, the interactional nature of language socialization is not clearly demonstrated but rather implied in their analyses. Construing SLA as a holistic process of secondary socialization, this study will examine second language socialization as an interactive process. Based on Schieffelin and Ochs (1986a, 1986b; see also Ochs 1988), second language socialization is defined as a process in which L2-learners notice (socialization through language) and utilize (socialization to use language) culturally-specific ways of interacting in the target language. Examining JSL (Japanese as a second language) - learners’ conversational narratives, the present study investigates the process of L2-learners’ language socialization which is evidenced in their narratives --- both narrative and narrated events ---through their interaction with L1-Japanese speakers.
Book review. Pragmatics in language teaching. 柳沢 美和子 Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching Vol. 4, Suppl. 1 (http://e-flt.nus.edu.sg/) 4巻 73~ 77 2007年01月 依頼有り 英語 研究論文(学術雑誌)
How Japanese immigrants can be Christians: Analyzing Christian testimonies by Japanese "new first generation" in Hawaii 柳沢 美和子 Pragmatics in 2000: Selected Papers from the 7th International Pragmatics Conference Vol. 2 2巻 611~ 624 2000年01月 査読有り 英語 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
Exploring the Possibility of JSL/JFL Extensive Reading from the Second Language Socialization Perspective 柳沢 美和子 The Fourth World Congress in Extensive Reading 2017年08月 英語 口頭発表(一般) This paper discusses potential contributions of Japanese extensive reading to JSL/JFL development, in which JSL/JFL-learners read Japanese graded readers in an authentic reading environment without using a dictionary.
In the field of English language teaching, the effectiveness of extensive reading in L2 development has been well documented; extensive reading can contribute not only to vocabulary growth but also improvements in written and oral skills (e.g., Day & Bamfield 2004, Krashen 2004). The enabling effects have been also evidenced in both JSL and JFL learners (e.g., Awano, Kawamoto & Matsuda 2012). A goal of intensive reading is the “analysis of language” (Waring 2011), in which learners’ exposure to L2 is normally planned and restricted, while reading extensively, learners are exposed to massive comprehensive reading at the right level, which is not “reading comprehension,” but an authentic reading activity which is comparable to L1-reading.
Referring to a progress report on five intermediate JSL-learners who have been engaged in extensive reading over a period of three months, this paper argues that L2 extensive reading is not receptive, but active learning, in which learners deepen their knowledge about the language and improve their language skills, which leads to the development of overall L2-competence.
「読解」ではなくて「読書」: 「第二言語における社会化」の視点から日本語教育における多読の可能性を考える 柳沢 美和子 留学生教育学会・2016年度研究大会 2016年08月 日本語 国内会議 口頭発表(一般) 多読は“real-world reading for a pedagogical purpose”(Day & Bamford 1998) -- 近年日本語教育でも国内外で多読の有効性が報告されているが,なぜ読解よりも有効なのか.本稿はまず先行研究から理論の面で多読の可能性を提唱し,新しい試みとして「第二言語における社会化」 (second language socialization) の視点から,最新の実践報告を踏まえつつ,多読の有効性を考察する.
Exploring Potential Contributions of Japanese Extensive Reading to JSL/JFL Education 柳沢 美和子 The Six Center for Language Studies International Conference (CLaSIC) 2014 2014年12月 英語 国際会議 口頭発表(一般)
Japan’s language policy: How it is consistent with its global strategy? 柳沢 美和子 The 11th Asian TEFL International Conference 2013年10月 英語 国際会議 口頭発表(一般)
Examining the Role of JSL Education in terms of "The 300,000 International Students Plan" 柳沢 美和子 The Asian Conference on Language Learning (ACLL) 2011 2011年06月 英語 国際会議 口頭発表(一般) This paper examines the role of JSL (Japanese as a Second Language) education in Japan in terms of “The 300,000 International Students Plan,” which was announced by the Japanese Ministry of Education in July 2008. This plan aims to increase international students, currently 130,000, up to 300,000 by 2020, which amounts to 10% of the total college/university enrollment in Japan. The purpose is to increase the nation’s competitiveness in the global market by recruiting capable international students who could stay on in Japan and contribute to the Japanese society through their higher education. The Ministry of Education will promote undergraduate/graduate programs in which the international students could complete their degree requirements in English, but simultaneously expects most of the students to “use Japanese as their education language.” The reality is that even though the Japanese Ministry of Education would like the international students to learn Japanese, how much JSL education could avail them in the future is still unpredictable.
Referring to interview data from international students who completed their degrees in Japan, this paper argues that providing Japanese language education is a must. Such as high morals and dignity demonstrated during the recent earthquake aftermath, Japan still has something to offer, but these virtues cannot be learned unless the students go into the community and interact with people. JSL education plays a key role in changing instrumental motivation into integrative motivation (Gardner & Lambert 1972), which determines whether the students will remain sojourns or become an authentic part of local communities in Japan.
Examining the Future Possibility of JSL Education in Japan in terms of “The 300,000 International Students Plan” by the Japanese Ministry of Education 柳沢 美和子 The Fourth Center for Language Studies International Conference (CLaSIC) 2010 2010年12月 英語 国際会議 口頭発表(一般)
Developing L2-pragmatic Competence through Second-language Socialization. 柳沢 美和子 The 2008 American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Annual Conference 2008年03月
Teacher Development in TBLT (Task-based Language Teaching): Sensitizing Teachers to Authentic Discourse. 柳沢美和子 The 2nd International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching 2007年09月
Second-language socialization: Examining JSL-learners' socialization to the L1-Discourse 柳沢美和子 The 17th International Conference on Pragmatics & Language Learning 2007年03月
Exploring social identity in heteroglossic narrative discourse 柳沢美和子 Joint American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) & Association canadienne de linguistique appliquee/Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (ACLA/CAAL) Conference 2006 2006年06月
Exploring second language socialization 柳沢美和子 LangScape conference 2006年04月
Exploring the process of second-language socialization 柳沢美和子 The second Center for Language Studies International Conference (CLaSIC) 2006 2006年12月
Exploring social identity: Language socialization in narrative 柳沢美和子 The 14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics: AILA 2005 2005年07月
Exploring JSL-learners' "language socialization" 柳沢美和子 The Inaugural Center for Language Studies International Conference (CLaSIC) 2004 2004年12月
Narrative as moral problem-solving discourse: Analyzing Japanese-speaking Christian testimonies 柳沢美和子 The 2003 American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference 2003年03月
Narrative problem-solving: How God's Word constructs a community 柳沢 美和子 The 2001 American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference 2001年02月 英語 国際会議 口頭発表(一般)
How Japanese immigrants can be Christians: Analyzing Christian testimonies by Japanese "new first generation" in Hawaii 柳沢 美和子 The 7th International Pragmatics Conference 2000年07月 英語 国際会議 ポスター発表
A Theology of Japan: Monograph Series 6 Post-disaster Theology from Japan How Can We Start Again? Centurial Vision for Post-disaster Japan ・山口陽一先生ご論文の英訳 2013年03月 2013年03月
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