Japanese Biblical Studies (http://www.japanesebiblicalstudies.com) J. Randall Short Online 2199年04月 英語 その他 Japanese Biblical Studies is a website about Biblical Studies in Japan and/or by Japanese speakers.
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Philosophical Interpretations of the Old Testament Sekine, Seizo De Gruyter 2014年01月 978-3-11-034076-1 英語 単行本(学術書) Western biblical studies have tended to follow either faith-based theological approaches or value-free historical-critical methods. This monograph challenges the two extremes by pursuing the middle path of philosophical hermeneutics. While drawing on Eastern and Western philosophical writings from ancient to modern times, the author proposes original interpretive solutions to a wide range of important biblical texts, including the Akedah, Second Isaiah, the Decalogue, Qohelet, Job, and Jeremiah. Yet, this is not a collection of antiquarian studies. Readers will also gain fresh and stimulating perspectives concerning monotheism, religious faith and identity, suffering and salvation, and modern and postmodern ethics. Finally, in a supplementary essay, the author introduces readers to the history of Old Testament studies in Japan, and he outlines prospects for the future.
The Surprising Election and Confirmation of King David Short, J. Randall Harvard Divinity School 2010年09月 0674053419 英語 単行本(学術書) Some of the best-known biblical episodes are found in the story of David’s rise to kingship in First and Second Samuel. Why was this series of stories included in the Bible?
An answer that has become increasingly popular is that this narrative should be interpreted as the “apology of David,” that is, the personal justification of King David against charges that he illegitimately usurped Saul’s throne. Comparisons between “the History of David’s Rise” and the Hittite “Apology of Hattušili,” in particular, appear to support this view that the biblical account belongs to the genre of ancient Near Eastern royal apology.
Having presented this approach, Randall Short argues that the biblical account has less in common with the Hittite apology than scholars have asserted, and he demonstrates how interpretive assumptions about the historical reality behind the text inform the meaning that these scholars discern in the text. His central contention is that this story should not be interpreted as the personal exoneration of David composed to win over suspicious readers. Rather, composed for faithful readers represented by David, the story depicts the dramatic confirmation of David’s surprising election through his gradual emergence as the beloved son of Jesse, Saul, all Israel, and yhwh Himself.
NIV Archaeological Study Bible: An Illustrated Walk Through Biblical History and Culture ランドル・ショート Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 2005年01月 031092605X 英語 ※
The Heart of Contribution in Christianity J. Randall Short 貢献する気持ち研究レポート 1~ 12 2011年12月 査読有り 依頼有り 英語 研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等) キリスト教思想の中心的なテーマを扱った論文として、2011年にホモコントリビューエンス研究会(代表者加藤尚武)に提出した論文。滝久雄(グルナビの創業者)が『貢献する気持ち』という本を書き、現代の道徳に「貢献心」が必要だという提案をしたことをきっかけに、加藤尚武は思想史の各分野から貢献する気持ちがどう扱われているかを論ずる論文集を企画し、公開した。キリスト教における貢献心という挑戦的テーマを与えられた私は、東方正教会、カトリック、そしてプロテスタントが共通とする「貢献心」を探り、それは教会歴や典礼において、特にキリストの受肉・受難・復活を中心として養われている「記憶」(anamnesis)から生まれているのではないかと論じた。
The Story of David’s Rise as Political Apology: A Reconsideration J. Randall Short Th.D. Dissertation 2006年05月 査読有り 英語 学位論文 Modern biblical scholars have increasingly characterized the story of David’s rise to kingship as stemming from an originally independent and unified source that was composed in the Jerusalemite royal court for the purpose of legitimizing David’s usurpation of Saul’s throne. Scholars have made this case for interpreting “the History of David’s Rise” (HDR) as royal propaganda through comparisons of it with other ancient Near Eastern royal texts, particularly the Hittite “Apology of Hattušili.” Furthermore, they have detected in HDR a rhetorical posture that addresses several underlying or implied charges of illegitimacy and lèse-majesté against the historical David. Inasmuch as these scholars believe that the original HDR remained essentially unchanged throughout its literary history, they interpret the biblical account in terms of the apologetic needs of King David.
In this dissertation, I contend that these recent characterizations of HDR as “the Apology of David” fail to make adequate sense of many literary and theological features and particularities of the biblical account. My contention is not that the story of David’s rise to kingship was never used for any sort of “apologetic” purposes, but that the biblical account—at any point in its literary history—cannot be so easily assimilated to the genre of ancient Near Eastern “royal apology” and basically reduced to “political self-justification” or “secular, political ideology,” as some scholars have characterized it. Ultimately, this approach leads to unsatisfactory results even for versions of HDR that have been reconstructed according to these historical and literary assumptions. Reading through the lens of political apology is all the more inadequate, then, vis-à-vis the present biblical account.
Within the biblical context of 1 and 2 Samuel, I argue, YHWH’s initial election of David is not simply one of several legitimizing themes or motifs in “David’s story.” Divine election, rather, is the sole ground upon which David’s kingship rises and stands. Subsequent to YHWH’s initial election of David as His king, therefore, the rest of the narrative presents YHWH’s confirmation of him as His choice for king through the emergence of David as the “beloved son” of Jesse, Saul, all Israel, and YHWH Himself.
2004 North American Dissertations and Theses in Theology and Related Fields by Korean-Named Authors J. Randall Short KIATS Theological Journal 1巻 1号 96~ 104 2005年04月 査読有り 依頼有り 英語 研究論文(学術雑誌) 北米で活躍する韓国人研究者ら(聖書学、神学、キリスト教史、キリスト教学、その他)の博士論文を紹介した。
応答:The Incarnation, the Cross, and Theodicy ショート ランドル 東京基督教大学・トリニティー国際大学神学大学院共催 国際神学会議 2010年07月 招待有り 英語 国際会議 組織神学者グラハム・コール教授が神の受苦性と非受苦性の中立的な立場を模索したのに対して、コール氏の提案の曖昧な点や問題点を指摘し、コール提案が、神の非受苦性を唱える伝統的キリスト教の立場と本質的には変わっていないことを指摘した。
Response to Graham A. Cole, ‘The Incarnation, the Cross, and Theodicy’ J. Randall Short 東京基督教大学・トリニティー国際大学神学大学院共催 国際神学会議:Suffering and Hope in Jesus Christ: Christological Polarity and Religious Pluralism 2010年07月 招待有り 英語 国内会議 シンポジウム・ワークショップ,パネル(指名)
How the Best Christian Teachers Prepare Randall Short Better Christian Teachers: An Enrichment Program for College Teachers 2009年11月 招待有り 英語 国際会議 口頭発表(招待・特別)
Response to Dr. Joseph Too Shao, “Old Testament Studies in Asian Context” Short, Randall 日本地区アジア神学協議会隔年総会 2008年09月 招待有り 英語 国際会議
Response to Dr. Duane Litfin’s Conceiving the Christian College J. Randall Short 東京基督教大学ファカルティーフォーラム 2008年07月 招待有り 英語 国内会議 シンポジウム・ワークショップ,パネル(指名)
The Story of David’s Rise as Political Apology: A Reconsideration J. Randall Short 東京基督教大学ファカルティーフォーラム 2007年09月 招待有り 日本語 国内会議 口頭発表(一般)
The Significance of ‘the History of David’s Rise’ in its Biblical Context Short, Randall 福音主義神学会東部部会聖書学部門 2007年01月 招待有り 日本語 国内会議 口頭発表(一般)
Japanese Christian Perspectives on ‘the Yasukuni Problem’ J. Randall Short Peking-KIATS Conference, Christian Religion in China and Korea: Reception and Development 2006年09月 招待有り 英語 国際会議 口頭発表(一般)